Aniké NGO
Everyone deserves a chance in life
Women and children in Guinea too
Everyone deserves a chance in life
Women and children in Guinea too
Aniké is a Belgian non-profit organization, which organizes and supports health care projects in the West-African country of Guinea Conakry, in collaboration with local partners. The aim is to improve living conditions of both women and vulnerable children.
Aniké is active in different fields in Guinea. Children left to fend for themselves find a home in our orphanage which we helped to get off the ground or in our network of foster homes. We assist women in our maternity hospital and health centres. The struggle against female genital mutilation (FGM) is another one of our key concerns. An overview.
One of the first projects which our organization supported was the construction of an orphanage in the capital of Conakry. About 40 children who lost their parents are taken care of.
Because of the limited number of places in the orphanage, Aniké also assisted in setting up an extended network of foster homes for children.
98 % of the women in Guinea are still the victim of FGM, a deeply entrenched and dangerous tradition. It is a top priority of our organization to ban this practice in Guinea but also globally.
Our organization is currently building a maternity in Conakry together with our local partners, where pregnant women can get consultations and are assisted during pregnancy and childbirth.
Because health care is not only needed in the capital and mobility is rather limited , Aniké also supports the setting up of health care centres (“postes de santé”) in remote areas of Guinea.
Our Team
A whole network of people is involved in our organization both in Belgium and Guinea.
Would you like to join us in providing a better future for Guinea ? You can do so in many different ways. Attend one of our activities and/or raise awareness and interest among other people. You can become a volunteer or make a donation.
Aniké is a very active organization. We frequently get around to show everybody what we do.
We need all the help we can get. If you would like to help our organization actively, do not hesitate to contact us.
To enable us to achieve results in Guinea, we need money. Every donation is highly appreciated.